Saturday 14 June 2008

Off we go

I thought this would be the easiest way to keep in touch with everyone and let you know what I'm up to. For those of you unclear on the details, I'm going to the Good Shepherd Hospital in Siteki, in the East of Swaziland, for my elective. This has all been arranged at the last minute after my original plans (for somewhere considerably more developed!) fell through, but fortunately thanks to the work of my ex-DoS, I've found this amazing opportunity instead.

I'm not really sure what to expect yet, never having been to Africa before, or worked in a hospital like this, but I'm very excited! I don't know how much internet access I'm going to have but I will try to keep this as up-to-date as I can. Sadly I'm still a bit of a techno-dinosaur and only have an old-fashioned camera, so pictures will probably have to wait till I get back!

Oh, and for the several of you who were unaware, Swaziland (where I am going now) is NOT the same place as Switzerland (where I went in my gap year!) Look at a map!


Athena said...

Good luck Helen, I bet it'll be an amazing experience! I may pick your brain about your experiences when you get back :)

The Little Medic said...

Have a great time! Don't work too hard.

j said...

Good luck.

Hope you have an awesome time!


supersarah said...

hi fishy!!! hope you're settling in well, is it easy to get in contact via phone/skype at all? think mum would like to know you're safe (i'm not bothered at all haha) hope it's all going fabulously!!! xxxxxx